Auctions Stats

Auction Stats - percentages sold and sale totals


With a second or even more coronavirus spikes in prospect, and further reactive lock-downs, at least local ones, inevitable, largely on-line auctions held behind closed doors, rather than in front of physical audiences, may well be the new reality in a socially-distanced world for the foreseeable future.

A huge number of classic cars were consigned for those auctions reviewed on this channel in June as 773 vendors attempted to cash in their assets at more cautious Timed-Out sales with no human contact or ‘Live’ On-Line sales, two of them ‘Drive Throughs’ with some moving pictures.

Considering the UK economy has been trading down by 25% at least during the last two months, the fact that there were still investors for 712 non-essential hobby motor cars has to be encouraging for all stakeholders.

For not only did The Market sell a higher percentage of their clients’ collector cars for more money on the internet in June than ever before, but only one car driven past the SWVA rostrum failed to sell during a month when there were bidders prepared to buy 92% of all classics auctioned.

AuctioneerLocationDatePremiumSold/ Offered% SoldSale Total
RM Sotheby’s (Timed Out) Petitjean Collection10/1110%173/19191%£14,919,987
ACA (‘Drive-Thru’ On-Line) King’s Lynn20/216/8%205/24683%£2,057,502
H&H (‘Live’ On-Line) Warrington2412.5%48/7069%£840,438
SWVA (‘Drive Thru’ On-Line) Poole268%95/9699%£947,369
CCA (‘Live’ On-Line) Ashorne2710%115/12791%£2,035,551
The Market (Timed Out) Abingdon1-300%58/6195%£1,104,531

Auction Stats